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Doodly Videos

We want to help you create your personalized Doodly Videos

I have been making Doodly
videos since 2019

Let me help you create a customized video so you can  advertise your business or content like a PRO.

Using a combination of text, audio and images is an effective way of delivering a message

  • Doodly videos are great to explain things that would be otherwise be hard to tell in words
  • People learn better and faster when they are happy and when something is fun
  • Learners retain more of the same information from a Doodly video compared to the same information in a talking video
  • Wordy presentations can be rather boring and dull
  • Viewers are more inclined to watch a video about information rather that reading it
  • Doodly videos are here to stay as they play an important role in content marketing
  • Videos can be seen easily from sites like Facebook, YourTube and many more

Watch a demo

Few more samples

Each sample can be custumized to suit yor project, business or needs

NOTE: You videos can be created in both black and white, as well as colour. See samples below
